ABM (Another Blue Monday) / Bruges, Belgium by Frans.Sellies on Flickr

via ABM (Another Blue Monday) / Bruges, Belgium by… – Chronicles of a Love Affair with Nature.

Carcassonne, La Porte d’Aude by voyage_immobile

via SocialFoto.

AIR: Gotham – Vincent Laforet

via . archatlas


“Aerials are surprisingly intimate, they make the world feel smaller.” ~  Vincent Laforet

AIR is a project born of my need to share an important lesson I’ve discovered over the past decade making aerial photographs: the world is much smaller than we think. Borders are irrelevant and distances shortened. Clearly, we are more intimately connected to one another than we may realize. AIR is a once a lifetime experience for our team and I’d like to pay that passion and excitement forward with as many of you as possible. I chose the title AIR because it’s something we all share and are all equally responsible for. By definition AIR doesn’t belong to anyone. It belongs to us all regardless of background, social status and origin, as does this project.

Photographs and text by Vincent Laforet

Check out the website for the project!