Labour to be renamed ‘Labour, I Suppose’

via Labour to be renamed ‘Labour, I Suppose’.


labour rosette 425x265

THE Labour Party is rebranding itself with the phrase that is used by its voters.

After failing to win an election based on a positive appeal to voters, Labour has embraced its future as the default choice of pragmatists who dislike the Conservatives.

A spokesman said: “We also considered ‘Obviously I Can’t Vote Lib Dem So, Yeah, Labour’ but that would require much larger and more expensive badges. We are nothing if not financially prudent.

“Labour tried to be the anti-supposing party. Ed Miliband tried to make us the Labour, Hell Yeah! Party but that was obviously stupid and wrong.

“From now on, Labour, I Suppose will be the party for disenfranchised, tired cynics who expect nothing but compromise and mediocrity. We will deliver.”

5 Mètres 80: An Absurd Animation Depicting a Herd of Giraffes Leaping Off a High Dive by Nicolas Deveaux | Colossal

via 5 Mètres 80: An Absurd Animation Depicting a Herd of Giraffes Leaping Off a High Dive by Nicolas Deveaux | Colossal.

OK, this is ridiculous, but in the best way possible. Spending too much time describing this short film by French animator Nicolas Deveaux would ruin it, so it’s probably best to just watch it. Created over a period of 1.5 years, 5 Mètres 80 is a follow-up to a shorter animation he made 10 years ago about an elephant on a trampoline. Deveaux is widely known for his realistic animation of animals for both film and commercials, many more of which he shares on Vimeo. 5 Mètres 80 has toured film festivals around the world since 2013 picking up numerous awards and nominations including the Best in Show Award at SIGGRAPH Asia. (via Vimeo Staff Picks)

Little-Known, Totally Legitimate Animal Facts

whatever caches my fancy — tastefullyoffensive: Little-Known, Totally Legit….

…and it’s Monday; everyone lighten up!


Little-Known, Totally Legit Animal Facts (images via learn2post)

Previously: Animated Animal Facts

The Dangers of Selfie Sticks PSA – YouTube

via The Dangers of Selfie Sticks PSA – YouTube.

It’s a rare event, indeed, as regular visitors to my site will appreciate, that I give precious time and attention to shameless advertising and marketing; it’s usually the more subtle variety which suckers me into sharing.  This particular advert, however, from Pizza Hut has yet, I believe, to reach the UK and remains new to me…as well as hilarious.


Published on 20 May 2015

The Big Flavor Dipper Pizza: you’re gonna need a bigger selfie stick.

Order now at

Please Selfie Responsibly. These egotistical specimens of visual self-obsession are in danger. Help protect them by sharing this video with any fabulous narce artists who suffer from selfie stick abuse. Pizza Hut is a supporter of those suffering from selfie stick abuse.

Watch the Behind the Scenes video here:

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Created, produced and distributed by Shareability.


a weekend spent with flair…

whatever caches my fancy.

Another in our “no home should be without one…” series; and if anyone can steer me to where I can purchase one of these magnificent chairs, I’ll be eternally grateful.

true stories…

via A Jug Of Wine, A Loaf Of Bread, And Virtual Thou • pattroughton: Star Trek Voyager: Scientific….


Star Trek Voyager: Scientific Method

(via paramaline)

Source: pattroughton